Thaís Fernandes is a native Brazilian writer specialising in Portuguese linguistics and Literature and translator of fiction and poetry from the English, living in São Paulo, Brazil. She is currently a graduate student in Translation Studies in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of São Paulo (USP). Her works and literary translations have been published in online magazines and art journal, including The Mark Literary Review, (n.t.) Revista Literária em Tradução, Tuck Magazine, Meta/Phor(e)/Play, Revista PHILIA | Filosofia, Literatura & Arte, Merak Magazine, and Haiku Commentary. Her haiku was also highlighted in the Asahi Haikuist Network, The Asahi Shimbun, Japan, in 2018. You can connect with her at LinkedIn.
Seleta de Haicais
Rósea manhã
aroma flor de cerejeira
em cada pétala
Asas leves e livres
sem porto, alçam voo
límpido céu
Folhagem de outono
sombreia o chão. Ouve-se
os suspiros do vento
Pássaro feliz
canta orgulhoso no céu,
recepção à primavera