Carina del Valle Schorske is a poet, translator, editor, and essayist perpetually en route to New York City. She was the MacDowell Colony's 2013-2014 Isabella Gardner Fellow in poetry and her work has appeared or is forthcoming in the Boston Review, The Awl, and No Tokens Journal. She is a doctoral candidate in the department of Comparative Literature & Society at Columbia University where she studies psychoanalysis and race. Find her @fluentmundo on Twitter or in her one true home on Facebook.
Self-Portrait As Bathsheba
Black window.
Blur the world
with my
reflection. Tell me.
In what still
pool will the moon
return to the
earth that made it?
Am I the answer
to a question like that?
If I bathe on
the roof in spring
with my senses
low, lukewarm,
thinning the
blade between things,
if I waver in
the not yet dark, let slip
a line of
melody, human word in wet air
high up, water
one thing, being wet another
who will stay to
see the awkward stagger,
the mottled
white not rise but lurch and haunch,
my weight
returning now, dreamer’s souvenir—
black window, venir—?