Christiana Castillo


Christiana Castillo is a Latina/Chicana poet, teaching artist, and gardener born in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil and based out of the greater Detroit area. Castillo is recipient of fellowships from Room Project, Voices of Our Nation (VONA), and Disquiet International. Previous work of hers can be found in Belt Magazine, The Wayne Literary Review, Riverwise Magazine, and Alegría Magazine's Latinx Poetry Project. Her chapbook, Crushed Marigold, was released in 2020 and available through Flower Press. 

Find her on instagram @mijachristiana 

Siempre Más

I think home might be in my palms.
I think they hold some type of warmth in their blood,
like the warmth of Jalisco or Rio.
But here they are, not grasping warmth,
alive in another winter that is too long,
my hands that keep yearning.
“Más por favor, más”
Quiero más, siempre más.
Turn me into a monarch butterfly,
something that travels
something that keeps
Wings emerge from the Earth,
Remember where to fly,
before they have memory.
I used to detach wings from dragon flies,
Put them to the light
To create my own stained glass windows,
wondering where they had been
and where I’m going.
Here I don’t see many dragonflies.
My hands can’t cultivate stained glass,
Do not  know the warmth of cultivating windows.
Pero, estoy aqui.




Xavi was here last week
he started a poem
where he mentioned
a tree
with a circle of bricks around it
I don’t know if the tree blossomed
or if it was tall
or just finding its roots
All I know is that the tree is still in Southwest Detroit
and Xavi is not
I wanted him and all our people
to live by a tree
with a circle of bricks around it,
where ever they want
I want Xavi in Detroit
or wherever his body chooses
I want Xavi to feel safe
to have home
be wherever he chooses
It wouldn’t be the borders to decide
it would just be Xavi and his tree
reminding us we are all just growing
in a circle
Here we can grow together
here we don’t have to worry about la migra
or the language abuela is speaking
or how thick an accent is
here Xavi can be Xavi
a 12 year old boy
round up his people for joy
not to be transported
Here Xavi can go anywhere
with his tree
and bricks placed around to form a circle    

© The Acentos Review 2020