George Moore


The Natural Perfections (A translation of Jose Pacheco, “Las perfecciones naturales”)

As for the colonial captaincies of the caterpillar

      the rose knows

            what they are saying  

Those small teeth silently

      gnawing away at the night

            or at the belly of the arrogant great sun

                  are the natural perfections 

In the face of such hunger there is no beauty

      Only avarice

            only the survival of the fittest 

And so it endures this slow murder

      even as we do 


George Moore has done collaborative exhibitions of

poetry with visual artists in Spain, Iceland, Portugal

and Canada, as well as publishing poetry in England,

Ireland, and France.  Nominated twice in 2009 for a

Pushcart Prize, and twice for "Best of the Web," this

year he was nominated for The Rhysling Poetry Award.

A finalist for the Richard Snyder Memorial Prize from

Ashland Poetry Press, The National Poetry Series, The

Brittingham Award and The Anhinga Prize, he has new

work appearing with Temenos, Bathhouse, Zone,

Diode, International Zeitschrift, Diagram, Stickman

Review, and previously with The Atlantic, Poetry,

Northwest Review, and the Colorado Review.  

Moore have five collections of poems published, the

most recent is All Night Card Game in the Back Room

of Time ( 2007). He teaches literature and

writing with the University of Colorado, Boulder.