A U.S. Latina of Ecuadorian descent, María del Carmen Cifuentes is an alumna of the Voices of Our Nations Arts Foundation (VONA) writer’s workshop, and her poetry has been published in Nahualliandoing Dos, La Bloga, and Calyx Journal. She currently resides in the Chicagoland area, where she works as a Spanish interpreter and translator.
3 Poems
Muñequita de carne y hueso
Para Ashley, valiente guerrera mexica (2000-2007)
los mexicas que los pequeñines que se marchaban antes de tiempo, como piedritas
turquesas, pasaban a adornar un paraíso de flores y frutales.
es movimiento, ollín es transformación, ollín es vida; sangre y sacrificio
mantienen el equilibrio del universo al alimentar el movimiento de nuestro sol—
el Sol de Ollín. (Códice Chimalpoca).
Muñequita de carne y hueso,
no te alejes de mí
Destello de luz al cielo,
vibrante llama carmín
Obsidianas cristalinas
arman cuánta travesura
Pestañitas alargadas—
piruetas a pinceladas
Antes suave tez morena,
hoy arco iris barro y arcilla
Retoño tibio acaricias
la sombra que te persigna
De tu ombligo a tu sonrisa,
dedo gordo al pulgarcito,
te distrae una masita
Flor yauhtli pinta amarillo
Bajo pliegues de tu piel,
las entrañas de otro mundo
Tiemblan grietas y planicies:
Roe un invasor maligno
Por tus venas, un torrente:
Savia funesta que inunda
tu existencia, tenue lumbre,
tierno ocaso de tu aurora
Irisada es la llovizna
que asidua te rocía
Reanimada, respiras
penumbra que hilvana vida
Emplumada y con escudo,
de túnica blanca, erguida
Cuerpecito luminoso
Chalchiuhtlicue bien te guía
Corretean entre ramas,
chancletitas bien calzadas
Despejadas las cenizas,
me salpican carcajadas
Mis abrazos, tu sosiego
tus latidos, nuestro abrigo
Manos llenas de esperanza,
vals de frágil valentía
Muñequita de carne y hueso
no te olvides de mí
Resplandece el amaranto;
maíz cuida tu jardín
La puesta de tus turquesas
humedece el firmamento,
mas arrullada hacia el sueño
sin lágrimas te recuestas
Profundo inspira tu ofrenda
al desperezarse, el cielo
Huesitos jade liberan
tu fogoso nacimiento
Bailarina envuelta en azul,
¡danza, danza al compás del sol!
Ensueño de vuelos de tul,
¡corona anhelos de algodón!
Muñequita de carne y hueso
verde germinas en mí
Guerrera de dulce y fuego:
vida, fuerza, mi ollín
My Little Doll of Flesh and Bone[1]
For Ashley, valiant Mexica warrior (2000-2007)
It was said by the Mexica that the little ones that passed before their time, like small turquoise stones, went on to adorn a paradise of fruits and flowers.
Ollín is movement, ollín is transformation, ollín is life; blood and sacrifice balance the universe and feed the movement of our present sun through the skies— the Sun of Ollín. (Codex Chimalpoca)
My little doll of flesh and bone, it’s morn, too soon to
sighs, sparkles of light to sky, trails of vibrant carmine darts
Your eyelashes still dress my canvas in brushstroke
twin obsidians with dimples conspire mischief
Your complexion sifts through soils of a terra cotta
springing sprout, your leaves caress the cross blessed by a shadow
From your smile, round your belly button to that little
cold toe
A slight
shiver distracts; yauhtli blossom
mists all yellow
Beneath your wilting membrane folds, underworld entrails
caves, past crevices, creeks: a capricious malignancy
Luminous child, an afterthought of radiation cascades
shield high, feathers damp, don’t give in to the invader’s plays
You weightless in my embrace; my faith twirls strong to
set the pulse
hands clasped, in sanctuary— yours, a fragile, valiant waltz
Ay, my tiny doll of flesh and bone, remember, don’t
will flourish; in your garden maize will guard your rest
Plastic slippers midst branches clatter, unnoticed huffs
and heaves
sleeping, cleared the ashes, drops of laughter splash on me
You lay yourself, no tears in sight; those setting eyes
now turquoise
lulled toward sleep by slowing drums as heavens slightly moisten
Earth’s womb cups jade bones till ripe; a blazing birth
will be released
outstretched arms, the sky awakens, your offering it breathes
Rise to the rhythm of the sun, ballerina dressed in blue!
cotton puff desires, you dance above in frocks of tulle!
Little one of flesh and bone, my heart renews to inhabit green
warrior of fire, of life; muñequita, my ollín
[1] Spanish language term of endearment.
In Memory of Brisenia Flores
May 30, 2009
Arivaca, AZ
Upon a cushion, unaware the countdown had begun, she stirs to nudge her pup aside. Night breaks into silence as her rest gives in to a dimple’s tug; she almost smiles. Third grade textbooks have flipped their spines for summer. Pioneer projects on chipped-paint shelves will soon relinquish room to the artist. She knows not of shootouts or cowboy robbers; her dreams chase laughter on playgrounds started.
Ten. The flicker of an added candle on her cake triggers
a glow.
Nine. A beaded earring is caught on momma’s hair.
Eight. For Mother’s Day, she had crafted several pairs.
Seven. Sister’s arms, handles to her wheelbarrow,
Six, duets of shrieking marked the faster they dared,
Five, the chill of capture now lassoes the air,
Four — Mommy!
On a whispered, distant call:
“They’re coming back in! They’re coming back in!”
as shots are heard.
Three. The bodies they thought had been left for dead.
Two. Father and child lay sharing bullets to the head.
the wing that has come, that has gone; crimson the halo that adorns
little one.