Robert Américo Esnard was born and raised in the Bronx, NY. He studied Linguistics and Cognitive Science at Dartmouth College. His work has been published by or is forthcoming in Alternating Current Press, Alternative Field, Cutbank, Glass, Lunch Ticket, New York Quarterly, and several anthologies. He is a Best of the Net and Pushcart Prize-nominated poet.
The memory is
timeless and narcotic
a full sunset over
the clear ocean
me a young boy
in the sand
an island home
a cigar
shifting hands
a plate crashing
an empty offering
of forgiveness
a cumbersome language
of sorrow without truth
eyes full and flowing
a mirage
nostalgia without history
a trumpet crying
a dream of joy
and my thirst
for an antidote.
The ocean is language flowing
and crashing over me.
My hands are my self, my history.
The plate is forgiveness whether
empty or full, an offering.
The trumpet is sorrow and
perseverance and joy.
The sand is my home shifting,
timeless and without memory.
Eyes are the truth, clear
however cumbersome.
The cigar is narcotic and antidote.
Thirst is nostalgia, as is the sunset.
The island is a dream, is a mirage,
is a young boy crying.
The plate is an island, home.
The hands are a language.
The thirst is forgiveness
however cumbersome.
Memory is narcotic perseverance.
History is shifting sorrow and
crashing joy and
the ocean is crying.
My eyes are empty.
The cigar is nostalgia, a mirage,
a timeless self.
The sand is a dream offering truth.
The trumpet, an antidote.
The sunset is full and flowing
clear over me.