I order gin to celebrate
Annette Estévez is a Nuyo-DominiRican poet. Her poetry has been published in the e-journal, Typoetic.us and in the anthologies, Inside the Panic Room and The Abuela Stories Project. She has been a featured poet at the The Loisaida Center, La Mama Galleria, The City College of NY, and the Bronx Museum of the Arts.
the space in my day.
The bartender’s guest ID on my check identifies me as: Sola.
My other selves disagree.
My other selves ramble
to fill the space I excavate.
My other selves are strands
of my hair growing
at Ma’s house.
I moved out 5 years ago.
My other selves are cracked
mirrors distorting lipstick-
smudged death threats.
My other selves are unfinished
sketches; faceless women
wearing someone else’s mistake
as my displacement.
My other selves are line breaks
decontextualizing La Santa Maria’s
rosary beads.
My other selves are rusted
shears cutting along the dotted line
of today’s me;
a veil
I don’t remember writing.