The Acentos Review - Youth
The Acentos Review - Youth
The Tortillas
The tortillas smell of tears this morning
She rose at dawn as always nude
Sweat dripping from her once free body
To walk gingerly towards the kitchen
Stopping outside the twins room
Resisting the urge to check on her slumbering princes
Breakfast must be perfect
Seldom has a meal taken on such importance
The marriage of love and duty
Long ago lust had departed
Now sex was labored
Like hearing a story that has been told to many times
The corn was roasted last night and
It sits near the window looking out onto a garden of chilies, tomatoes and cilantro
Her mother told her once
A garden is a dream that you can control
So she tends to her garden each day with love and discipline
It would be easy to forget to weed and water
Easy has never come easy to her
She hears a snore coming from her bedroom
A shuddering dance up her spine
She remembers often
The truck
The man
Panties around ankles
Eyes shut tight
Picturing the snorer
All for him
All for him
A small house
A simple wedding
A boy
In the movies coyotes are animals that attack for food or out of fear
Her coyotes smelled of beer and garlic
The wide smiles
Toothy smiles
Don’t worry smiles
You want to go to America right smiles
Coffee first then tortillas
The guilt gathers in her throat
Pebbles sculpted by ancient hands
The residue of Spanish swords against mocha throats
Love tastes different on foreign tongues
James Sanchez
James Sanchez is a poet and teacher from Hialeah,Florida. He holds a B.A. In English from Florida International University. He teaches English and Creative Writing at Ronald W. Reagan/ Doral High School. His work has been published in The Acentos Review, The Apeiron Review, Desolation Blues, The Weekenders, and Dead Beats among others. He resides in Miami,Fl with his wife and son.